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News — 2021

Happy Release Day! A HOUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE by Josh Malerman

Happy Release Day! A HOUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE by Josh Malerman

If you are an OG Night Worms subscriber, you will remember our MALERMANIACS package we did in April 2019. 

We included Malerman's brand new (signed) release, INSPECTION
The novella, A HOUSE AT THE BOTTOM OF A LAKE published by This is Horror
and the latest issue of Rue Morgue with a big feature on Josh Malerman
Plus a bunch of Malerman Goodies
It was a great package!
What made this even cooler was that...



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Follow Friday Feels with Matt: January 15th, 2021

Follow Friday Feels with Matt: January 15th, 2021

Hey, worms. Matt here. I just finished Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison right before sitting down to put this list together. But I am broken. I feel like every bit of me has been sullied by that book. Yes, it’s 100% a five-star read but I think my DNA is dirty now. Anyway, here are some cool posts from this week on bookstagram. I hope you like them.


Stack of scary women by tracyreads


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Night Worms Book Party: THE BLACKENING by Seán O'Connor

Night Worms Book Party: THE BLACKENING by Seán O'Connor

It's challenging to get your book out into the world during a global pandemic. It's especially difficult when you live in Ireland and you want to get your book into the hands of American horror fans. Night Worms offered to receive a shipment of books and tuck them into some of our packages going to readers who have reviewed for us as a bonus. Here is a round-up of some of those reviews! Thank you to the author, 

Seán O'Connor for sending his book for free in exchange for honest reviews:


Women in Horror: Night Worms- A Woman Owned Business

Women in Horror: Night Worms- A Woman Owned Business


Yesterday, I celebrated 5 years of "Bookstagram". It occurred to me that where I'm at right now in my career is entirely dependent on the fact that 5 years ago, I chose to turn my personal Instagram account into a "Bookstagram" account.

If you didn't know, the hashtag #bookstagram is a little corner of the bookish universe hosted on the photo-driven app Instagram. If you click on the hashtag, you'll learn that there are over 54M photos. Basically, Instagram accounts created by book nerds dedicated to reading, reviewing, and...