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Friday Feels- April 3rd, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! Are you starting to go a little crazy in your isolation? SAME. I tend to like to lean into whatever is going on in the world with what I’m reading. Since I’m practicing social distancing and kind of going nuts, I figured I’d it might be a good time to reread THE SHINING by Stephen King. If you live under a rock, THE SHINING is about a family who goes to live in a giant hotel in isolation and craziness and chaos ensues. And listen, the Kubrick movie is fine, but book Wendy is better. That’s the hill I will die on because book Wendy rules (sorry Shelley Duvall). If you like to lean into real-life craziness with books, now is the time to either revisit or finally pick this book up. Stay safe and sane, y’all.


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