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News — April 2020

What Works for You by Kallie @pageandparlor

What Works for You by Kallie @pageandparlor


How I am (kinda) keeping my life in order as a bookstamom and how you can too (probably).

Hey everyone. I am Kallie. I’m a married 28 year old mother of twin 3 year old daughters and two weiner dogs. I’m an artist, a bookstagrammer, Night Worms blogger, musician, and all around badass. People ask me all the time, “Kallie, how do you do it all?” or “Where do you find the time for all that?” Well, I've been asked these things enough that I...

Friday Feels- April 24th, 2020

Friday Feels- April 24th, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! If you get the package every month, then you have this book (with a signed bookplate omg) on your shelf right now. So why haven’t you read it yet? IT IS AMAZING. We teamed up with Quirk Books to get you this title and to bring you our #nightwormsbookparty for it! Quirk Books has been rad to work with and even worked with Sadie and Ashley (our lords and saviors) on a little virtual event with Grady Hendrix that is happening today! The event might be full,...

Side by Side Review: THE UNSUITABLE by Molly Pohlig

Side by Side Review: THE UNSUITABLE by Molly Pohlig


Author: Molly Pohlig

Publisher: Henry Holt & Company

Janelle's Review

Thank you to Henry Holt for my free copy.  
THE UNSUITABLE is a bloody, outlandish gothic tale set in the Victorian era. It’s full of dark scenes and even darker thoughts.
Iseult is twenty-eight, a spinster, and her father is desperately trying to marry her off. Even though her father is a cruel man, she resists the idea of getting married and keeps a black book detailing her unsuitable suitors. Iseult...

Night Worms Book Party: PATIENCE OF A DEAD MAN by Michael Clark

Night Worms Book Party: PATIENCE OF A DEAD MAN by Michael Clark

Night Worms were partying in quarantine Michael Clark’s book THE PATIENCE OF A DEAD MAN. Like most book parties, we were all of the board with this one. Some people loved the book, some people didn’t. The one thing we could all agree on is that Clark knows how to promote his book. I love that, after all of the book parties, I know which Night Worm I mostly agree with when I see their reviews. We really have every type of reader in our group.

Read the article

Turning to Television While Sheltering at Home by Mindi Snyder

Turning to Television While Sheltering at Home by Mindi Snyder

I don’t think I need to mention that the past month has been really hard on all of us. We are dealing with some scary times, and when the news is consistently so depressing I, like many of you, turn to horror as an escape. Unfortunately, I’m finding that while I’m still enjoying reading horror, I’m having a bit of a hard time concentrating on books on the way I did before I started sheltering at home. Recently I’ve found myself watching a lot more television, and once again I’m finding that horror TV is a great distraction. Here...