News — Side By Side
Side by Side Book Review: THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROOM by Tyler Jones
Andrew's Review:
Betsy Lupino is an elderly woman who lives in a dilapidated fourth storey apartment with her six cats. Her felines are all she has in this world due to the ongoing battle with an ever-growing darkness in her mind. Now, the devouring shadows have seeped into her reality and threaten to viscerally consume anyone and anything in its path.
Side by Side Book Review: TOME by Ross Jeffery
TOME by Ross Jeffery
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then what happens when they observe evil?
TOME by Ross Jeffery has readers returning to the strange haggard town of Juniper. This time around though we trade the dusty scorching heat for the dreary gloom of an unceasing and unrelenting downpour. Juniper Correctional, where the majority of the narrative takes place, is saturated not only with rain but also deplorable men and...
Side by Side Book Review: THE VISITOR by Sergio Gomez
THE VISITOR by Sergio Gomez know how I always rave about Camp Slaughter and how much I love Sergio Gomez? Well, this little novella just made me love his writing even more. I don't know that I have ever read much alien horror, but I may have to read some more...especially if Gomez is penning them!
There is something about holiday horror that I get so giddy about. The holiday season is...
There is something about holiday horror that I get so giddy about. The holiday season is...
Side by Side Book Review: GIRL ON FIRE by Gemma Amor
GIRL ON FIRE by Gemma Amor
WOWWWWWW!!! If you have not picked this one up yet, you need to RUN and grab, not later. Go ahead, you can open a new tab right now and order this one. I'll be here when you get back.....
Okay, you done? Is your copy on it's way to you? You'll thank me later. Trust me! While you're...
Okay, you done? Is your copy on it's way to you? You'll thank me later. Trust me! While you're...
Side by Side Book Review: THEY'RE WATCHING by Bob Pastorella and Michael David Wilson
THEY'RE WATCHING by Michael David Wilson & Bob Pastorella
You'll recall that Night Worms was honored to share an exclusive Cover Reveal for THEY'RE WATCHING back in October. So we are more than thrilled to celebrate the book's release and success with a Side by Side Book Review from Mindi & Sadie.
Mindi's Review:
This book is a great example of how a...