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News — Reading Recommendations

BOOK REVIEW: Donnie's Review of Joe R. Lansdale's THE DRIVE IN

BOOK REVIEW: Donnie's Review of Joe R. Lansdale's THE DRIVE IN

THE DRIVE-IN: Review by The Horror Hypothesis 

“I suppose, ultimately, this will read like a diseased version of those stupid essays you’re asked to write in school each fall after summer break. You know, ‘How I Spent My Summer Vacation.’” - Joe R. Lansdale

I love going to the movies.  The entire experience is sacred.  The popcorn. The candy. The soda.  The lights dimming upon the start of the trailers.  Abandoning reality for 90 odd minutes in a dark room crowded with strangers...

BOOK REVIEW: Andrew's Review of SALVAGED by Madeleine Roux

BOOK REVIEW: Andrew's Review of SALVAGED by Madeleine Roux


Rosalyn Devar is on the run from her famous family, the bioengineering job she's come to hate, and her messed-up life. She's run all the way to outer space, where she's taken a position as a "space janitor," cleaning up ill-fated research expeditions. But no matter how far she goes, Rosalyn can't escape herself. After too many mistakes on the job, she's given one last chance: take care of salvaging the Brigantine,...

BOOK REVIEW: Cassie Shares Her Thoughts on: I AM NOT YOUR FINAL GIRL by Claire C. Holland

BOOK REVIEW: Cassie Shares Her Thoughts on: I AM NOT YOUR FINAL GIRL by Claire C. Holland

Title: I Am Not Your Final Girl

Authors: Claire C. Holland

Page Count: 91 pages

Rating:  5 ✨

Perfect for fans of: Poetry, horror cinema, feminism

If I could float up above my own tired / bones, change my mother’s-hands into talons,  / rip out the root of this unrest, would I?”

From Amelia |The Babadook (2014)

This is one of my all-time favorite books, and I’m shocked that I don’t already...

BOOK REVIEW: Mindi's Thoughts on THE TERRIBLE THING THAT HAPPENS by Carlton Mellick

BOOK REVIEW: Mindi's Thoughts on THE TERRIBLE THING THAT HAPPENS by Carlton Mellick

I swear I haven't read a Mellick book that I haven't loved. He's just so good at taking absolutely absurd ideas and situations and making them so entertaining. This is another one that I read in a single sitting, and I think that's also part of the appeal. His books are like a delicious meal that can be savored and finished in a short space of time. You know that the entrée is going to be something odd that you've never had before, but by the end, you will definitely want to try more of...

Side by Side : Tav & John's Reviews of A VOICE SO SOFT by Patrick Lacey

Side by Side : Tav & John's Reviews of A VOICE SO SOFT by Patrick Lacey

Tav's Review:
A VOICE SO SOFT intrigued me right from the start because we've got mainstream Pop music being the devil's music instead of the traditional Metal or Rock. Not only is Pop music the devil, but the possessed evil-doer is none other than a beautiful teenager girl named Angie.
Angie's won an American singing competition and her hit single "Forever With You" is taking over radios across the country and causing more than just an earworm. Her fans (called Glitter Critters)...