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News — Kallie

Friday Feels- March 20th, 2020

Friday Feels- March 20th, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms!
Want a quick and weird read? THE BALLAD OF BLACK TOM by Victor Lavalle is perfect. It has magic, sleeping old gods, music and lots of tension. It follows Charles Thomas Tester as he does whatever he can to keep he and his father safe with food and shelter. When he takes an odd job from a secretive sorceress, he starts something he has to see through to the end. He is noticed by some powerful people and some other things that are much more powerful....

Friday the 13th Feels- March 13th, 2020

Friday the 13th Feels- March 13th, 2020

Happy Friday the 13th Night Worms! Today is supposed to be an unlucky day and it seems we’ve all been having some terrible luck lately. But while we’re all holed up in our homes, we could try reading some good books to pass the time. THE OTHER INSIDE by J.M. White is one of those books. It’s a great modern monster tale that is sure to keep you interested and entertained with every turn of a page. I love reading about a character’s internal struggle and Billie, the main character in...

Friday Feels- March 6th, 2020

Friday Feels- March 6th, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! Let me ask you a few questions. How do you feel about ghosts? How about pirates? What about sea monsters? Do you like them? If you answered yes to these questions then LORDS OF THE DEEP by Tim Meyer and Patrick Lacey is for you. This book flies by and is flooded with creativity and fun. It’s a solid book with a very Hopper-like cop. At least, I pictured him like Hopper *swoon* Pick this book up if you want an amazing read that is sure to entertain....

Friday Feels- February 28th, 2020

Friday Feels- February 28th, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms!  It’s our last #fridayfeels of Women in Horror Month and I had a completely different post planned for today but then I binged this whole book. (It was supposed to be a buddy read and I just flew through it, oops.) As soon as I set it down I knew I had to show this one off instead of my originally planned photo. THE BABYSITTER’S COVEN by Kate Williams is as much fun on the inside as it is on the outside. There are some...

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers

How dumb old-timey doctors made females do nothing all day because they made books instead of babies.

For me to tell you what a struggle it was for early female writers, especially female horror writers, I have to give you a very brief overview of what hysteria was. Hysteria was the first mental disorder attributed to women. It was a catch-all-dumpster-fire of a diagnosis for women who didn’t behave like men thought they should. Didn’t want to have sex? HYSTERIA. You wanted to have “too much sex?” HYSTERIA. Didn’t obey your husband’s every command? HYSTERIA. Sometimes...