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News — horror books

A Side by Side Review- An Army of Skin by Morgan K Tanner

A Side by Side Review- An Army of Skin by Morgan K Tanner

Editor's Note: I'm really excited about this Side by Side Review and we hope to do more of them. This book seemed like it was going to be a little too much for my sensibilities but the author was so professional in his review request that I wanted to be able to get his book reviewed somehow. I knew that Donnie and Alex would be down for this and I was curious to see how their experiences would line up. Their reviews follow.


Alex's Review:

"I wiped the corpse's sticky blood...

Keely's Review- Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias

Keely's Review- Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias

I’m going to be completely honest with you guys here, Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias has produced the most challenging review I have written to date. What I felt while reading this novel was so overwhelming at times, that I found myself completely forgetting that I was trying to write about a novel, a piece of fiction, instead of the world we currently live in. I kept getting lost in tangents of thought that stemmed from ideas in the book and snow-balled into much larger issues.

Now, don’t...

Tav's Review- Tribesmen by Adam Cesare

Tav's Review- Tribesmen by Adam Cesare

Tribesmen by Adam Cesare

Tribesmen was in my May Night Worms box, which featured books with the “final girls” theme. Tribesmen’s cover promises supernatural cannibal horror and boy does it deliver! I don’t want to give anything away that the back of the book doesn’t, so this will be brief.


I used to love staying up with my dad and watching those weird horror movies they only show late at night with lots of gore, guts and half-naked ladies gasping for breath. When I got...

Tav's Review- Gretchen by Shanon Kirk

Tav's Review- Gretchen by Shanon Kirk

Gretchen by Shannon Kirk

A review by Tav @readswithdogs

Last year I read and loved Into the Vines by Shannon Kirk, so I was really excited and a bit nervous to receive a copy of her newest novel, Gretchen!

Gretchen is about a fifteen-year-old named Lucy who’s been on the run from her supposedly estranged father since age two, with her mother. When they arrive in their eleventh state (New Hampshire), Lucy is determined to obey her mother’s rules: don’t make eye contact with...

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren


    “Crawford Manor.

    It had stood for centuries, a brooding sentinel overlooking the North Sea, long enough for old mysteries to settle and gnarled roots to creep insidiously into the earth. Within the dank walls of Crawford Manor, secrets were given time to breathe.

    To atrophy.”


    It’s always a pretty rad moment in a reader’s life when a new-to-you author and/ or book strikes a chord and resonates in ye olde brainpan. Something that gets you excited to spread the word or...