News — bookstagram
Friday Feels- August 21st, 2020
Happy Friday Night Worms! I hope everyone is well and staying safe. So, there have been some things going on in the indie horror lit community as of late. If you know, you know. It’s not my place to make a PowerPoint and explain it all. And I’m definitely not here to rehash any of it because honestly, it’s draining and it makes our community turn on each other and forget why we are all here and connected in the first place. So instead of feeding into all of the controversies, I thought we...
What Works for You by Kallie @pageandparlor
How I am (kinda) keeping my life in order as a bookstamom and how you can too (probably).
Hey everyone. I am Kallie. I’m a married 28 year old mother of twin 3 year old daughters and two weiner dogs. I’m an artist, a bookstagrammer, Night Worms blogger, musician, and all around badass. People ask me all the time, “Kallie, how do you do it all?” or “Where do you find the time for all that?” Well, I've been asked these things enough that I...
What Type of Reader are You? (Horror Edition)
What Type of Reader are You? (Horror Edition)
In the Bookstagram and reading communities, like anywhere else, there are a variety of people trying to live their best lives while immersing themselves in the lives of the characters within the tomes they are perusing. While there has been some sense of discord in how fast or "incorrectly" people read, we can all at least agree that everyone does it their own particular way. Let's take a look at some different types of readers, shall we?
- Watch out for Jigsaw, the intellectual reader that devours information from mainly...
Night Worms Book Party: WHISPERS IN THE DARK by Laurel Hightower
The Night Worms review team got together to do another book party and this time we read WHISPERS IN THE DARK by Laurel Hightower. I just have to say as the person that compiles all of these blurbs for the Night Worms book parties, I have never seen so many exclamation points in the reviews I’m pulling quotes from. The team was EXCITED about this book. Check out the blurbs from our review team and the photos that showed up on social media.
We have a lot more book parties planned, so be on the...
WE ARE MONSTERS by Brian Kirk. A Night Worms Book Party
It's time for another Night Worms book party! Over the last month, we all read WE ARE MONSTERS by Brian Kirk. It’s always really fun to read horror with fellow horror-loving bookworms. We all love horror, but we have different views and perspectives, which makes reviewing with these people so much fun. Here are some of the photos that showed up on social media as well as some blurbs from the reviews:
(watch for more book parties! Grady Hendrix and More!)
“Ambitious and original.