Happy Friday Night Worms! I hope your weekend will feel as long as this week has. Continuing on with giving you excellent woman-written books, today I’m highlighting Beneath the Rising by Premee Mohamed. Mohamed is an indo-Caribbean scientist who lives in Canada and let me tell you that she blew me away with this book. Although I thought it was a little bit slow, I really enjoyed this one. It’s a cosmic coming-of-age book centering around a child prodigy and her friend who are in the middle of a war with eldritch terrors. When our kid genius creates something that could change the world, primal and evil ancient beings awaken to keep humanity as captives. It’s a journey around the globe and into space to save humanity.
There is a second book that I can’t wait to get my eyes on. Definitely pick this one up soon and have a great and safe weekend, Worms.
~Kallie @pageandparlorbooks