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News — Richelle

Side By Side Reviews: THE AUCTIONEER by Joan Samson

Side By Side Reviews: THE AUCTIONEER by Joan Samson

Publisher: Valancourt Books
Part of our Classic Horror Package in collaboration with Paul Tremblay
It's a surreal thing when you are reading a book written almost 50 years ago that still has some relevance to current political and social events. And it's an even bigger travesty that Joan Samson did not make it around to put...

Celebrating Latinx Authors: 15 Books by Latinx Authors That Should be on Your Radar

Celebrating Latinx Authors:  15 Books by Latinx Authors That Should be on Your Radar

Celebrating Latinx Authors 

15 books by Latinx authors that should be on your radar. 

This month’s Night Worms package is celebrating Latinx authors. We received two beautiful books by Latinx authors and this leads me to want more.

I decided to go around and ask readers who their favorite Latinx authors were. When I asked around most readers drew a blank or only had a few names to give. I was also guilty of only knowing a few Latinx authors myself so I set out to diversify my shelves...

The Fight for eReaders by Richelle

The Fight for eReaders by Richelle

The Fight for eReaders!

I know, eBooks are the latest and greatness thing. I enjoyed eBooks myself until I started getting migraines every day. My vision would get blurry while reading. I hated it because I would be so invested in a story and my mind would feel so awake. I wanted to take in more, but I just couldn't handle the migraines. They were so bad that I had a difficult time getting any sleep. I was suffering from insomnia. I would get around 3-4 hours of sleep...