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News — Patrick Delaney

Book Party for THE HOUSE THAT FELL FROM THE SKY by Patrick Delaney

Book Party for THE HOUSE THAT FELL FROM THE SKY by Patrick Delaney

The House that Fell from the Sky by Patrick Delaney Book Party

We had a Night Worms book party in a haunted house. The House the Fell from the Sky by Patrick Delaney has been, I think, our most divisive book yet. It’s also been the first book that anyone DNF’d (that’s Did Not Finish in book nerd speak). The Night Worms review team thinks that life is too short to spend time reading books that you don’t enjoy. Read through the blurbs below to find out who loved this book and who really did not love...

Ben Long Interviews Patrick Delaney for Night Worms

Ben Long Interviews Patrick Delaney for Night Worms

NIGHT WORMS: I'm here with author Patrick Delaney. Patrick, thank you so much for joining me today!

PATRICK DELANEY: Thank you for having me, I'm thrilled to be here!

NW: So, for anyone who might be coming across your work for the first time, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

PD: I'd be happy to. I'm originally from LA County. I moved to Northern California when I turned 18 and I have 3 siblings. I've been writing short stories since I was in my early teens...