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News — horror fiction

Author Interview: Hunter Shea- SLASH

Author Interview: Hunter Shea- SLASH

Typically, I try to have a live-chat with an author so that our conversation can organically go where it wants to and I can feed off their responses in order to formulate the next question but in the case of Hunter Shea and myself, our schedules were just not lining up. I did suggest we pray to the Horror Gods to see if the stars and planets would align just so but Hunter thwarted my efforts by showing me a far simpler solution: Emailing my questions. So that's what I did and Hunter emailed back his answers.

  1. Can you...

Friday Feels- October 11th, 2019

Friday Feels- October 11th, 2019

Happy Friday Night Worms! This weekend I’m on vacation at this adorable cabin in the middle of the woods. Before you ask, yes, I am keeping an eye out for hauntings in the woods and also for murderers while I’m at this secluded location. I did bring 16 books with me, because who doesn’t bring too many books on vacation? One of them is Dead Leaves, a seasonal collection of short stories by Kealan Patrick Burke. I actually just finished the last story on the drive here and let me tell...

Side by Side Review from Kallie & Matt of UNDER THE BLADE by Matt Serafini

Side by Side Review from Kallie & Matt of UNDER THE BLADE by Matt Serafini

Kallie's Review:

It has been 25 years since Cyrus Hoyt claimed the lives of all of Melanie Hoyt’s friends at Camp Forest Grove. It has been 25 years since she claimed the final girl title and supposedly claimed Cyrus Hoyt’s life. When a friend suggests that she head back to that camp to write a book about her experiences, she puts on a brave face and does just that. Melanie returns to the small town to uncover the mystery of Cyrus Hoyt. But how much will the...

Andrew & John's Side by Side Review of THE INSTITUTE by Stephen King

Andrew & John's Side by Side Review of THE INSTITUTE by Stephen King

John's Review:

Constant Readers, it’s here. That joyous time twice a year when we are taken into a world crafted by a master storyteller. A man who in recent times has elevated his craft to a point where most of his novels have transcended beyond a genre, and have become living, breathing worlds that feel fleshed out and lived-in. The Institute, by Stephen King, is another such world. One in which had its ups and downs, but by the end takes you on a whirlwind of adventure and emotion.



Night Worms Interview with Daniel Kraus

Night Worms Interview with Daniel Kraus

Early September, Sadie Hartmann sat down with Daniel Kraus and they had the following conversation...

Night Worms: Hi Daniel, I'm here in Google Hangouts whenever you're ready 


Daniel Kraus: I'm here!

NW: Hey there! Thanks so much for joining me today


DK: No problem.

NW: Just out of curiosity, what do your Mondays generally consist of?


DK: All my days are the same. Get up as early as possible, start writing, and go until I run out of gas. I basically run a...