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News — Hex Life

Friday Feels- October 2nd, 2020

Friday Feels- October 2nd, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! WE FINALLY MADE IT, FOLKS! October is out spooky month to shine. It’s when all the ghouls and ghosties are front and center for everyone (even if they are front and center for us year round). To kick of the first October Friday Feels I’m going with a witchy collection. HEX LIFE is packed with great female authors. What I think makes HEX LIFE the perfect book for October is the fact that it’s short stories! Everyone always has horror movie watch lists or horror...

Friday Feels- February 21, 2020

Friday Feels- February 21, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! We made it through another week. This week felt like a month for me and I kept wishing I could just cast a spell and get to the weekend already. Sadly, I’m no witch but I do like reading witchy tales. HEX LIFE is the perfect book to scratch your witch itch and check off another book from you Women in Horror Month book list. There are stories from some AMAZING authors in here and they do not disappoint. And just look at that cover,...

Anthology Smackdown! ECHOES vs. HEX LIFE by Beth Griffith

Anthology Smackdown! ECHOES vs. HEX LIFE by Beth Griffith

Anthology Smackdown! “Echoes” vs. “Hex Life” 

I have recently finished two highly anticipated new-release anthologies, “Echoes” and “Hex Life”. I wanted to write an article comparing them based on my drastically different experiences with each book. Before the actual smackdown starts, let’s learn a little more about each competitor. 

“Echoes”, edited by Ellen Datlow, is an anthology of ghost stories. There are thirty stories compiled, totaling in at an impressive 781 pages. Ellen Datlow is known for her popular annual “Best Horror of the Year” anthologies, plus she has...