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News — Carlton Mellick III

BOOK REVIEW: Mindi's Thoughts on THE TERRIBLE THING THAT HAPPENS by Carlton Mellick

BOOK REVIEW: Mindi's Thoughts on THE TERRIBLE THING THAT HAPPENS by Carlton Mellick

I swear I haven't read a Mellick book that I haven't loved. He's just so good at taking absolutely absurd ideas and situations and making them so entertaining. This is another one that I read in a single sitting, and I think that's also part of the appeal. His books are like a delicious meal that can be savored and finished in a short space of time. You know that the entrée is going to be something odd that you've never had before, but by the end, you will definitely want to try more of...

Alex Pearson's Offbeat Horror Review: The Haunted Vagina by Carlton Mellick III

Alex Pearson's Offbeat Horror Review: The Haunted Vagina by Carlton Mellick III

A whole new world // A dazzling place I never knew // But when I'm way up here // It's crystal clear // That now I'm in a whole new world with you”

It can be so magical and wonderful to discover a new world!  Learning to adapt to new surprises for all of your senses is never easy, but it can still be exhilarating and life-changing.  Right? If I truly believed that BEFORE I read this book, I do not think it possible for me to ever have that same perspective again.  Because in...