News — Alex Pearson
Side by Side Book Review: RING SHOUT by P. Djèlí Clark
Side By Side Reviews: THE AUCTIONEER by Joan Samson
Movies + Martinis with Alex
In terms of horror movies, most of my life has focused on the slasher genre. I can’t explain it, but I am deeply drawn to any and all slasher movies. It might go back to when I was 4 years old and have a memory of watching A Nightmare on Elm Street. Yes, I was super young… but my dad owned a video store and I am the youngest of 8 kids and… stuff like that happened then! We even drank out of the water hose!! But watching...
Benefits of Listening to Music or White Noise While Reading- Alex Pearson
Have you ever thought about if listening to music or white noise while reading will enhance your own experience? Or do you see yourself as a purist and distance the two activities as far away as possible? I enjoy listening for many reasons, mostly because I can put on scary music and immerse myself deeper into the horrors on the pages in front of me! Hopefully, this little article will not be as polarizing as whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza (it does!) or whether a dog wears a pair...
A Side by Side Review- An Army of Skin by Morgan K Tanner
Editor's Note: I'm really excited about this Side by Side Review and we hope to do more of them. This book seemed like it was going to be a little too much for my sensibilities but the author was so professional in his review request that I wanted to be able to get his book reviewed somehow. I knew that Donnie and Alex would be down for this and I was curious to see how their experiences would line up. Their reviews follow.
Alex's Review: