Jill and I are thrilled to announce our latest Women of Horror anthology, SLASH-HER and let you know that the call for general submissions is now open!
This is a slightly different format to our usual anthologies and will be a standalone project rather than Volume 5 of our 'Women of Horror' series. One of the things that makes this a separate endeavour is we have a mixture of invited contributors as well as the open call.
And I would like to let you in on just a couple of the amazing women who are joining us for SLASH-HER!
First and foremost, our very own Mother Horror, Sadie Hartmann will be writing our foreword and we could not have thought of a better person to be at the helm of this venture. We are delighted to have Sadie be an integral part of this.
I would also like to present to you the first FOUR ladies who will be gracing us with their wonderful prose and perhaps their own take on the slasher sub-genre
Drum-roll please …
We are so excited to see what these four wonderful women will be able to come up with and honoured to have them as part of the Kandisha family.
The definition of *slasher* from the Oxford dictionary is as follows:
“A horror film, especially one depicting a series of violent murders or assaults by an attacker armed with a knife or razor.”
Whilst I especially love me some splatter, we really want to see all the different interpretations of this trope heavy theme and whether people can bring something new to the image of the Final Girl.
You can find the full submission guidelines on the Kandisha website. We would like to actively encourage first time writers, WOC and members of the LGBTQ+ community to send us their own voice stories. At Kandisha, we pride ourselves on being a safe place for women from all over the world and welcome all into our family.
Written by Janine Pipe editor at Kandisha Press