Night Worms is and always has been a horror fiction subscription company owned by two massively passionate women who love the genre.
We used the blog on our website to host reviews of horror books and over time, developed a review team of readers who were committed to sharing those reviews on our space. We saw the blog as community resource for the celebration of horror fiction.
Due to the growth and success of Night Worms we no longer have the resource of time to give to the blog space and over the last three months or so, we have been slowly scaling back the amount of content we publish. We also let our reader friends know that won't be publishing reviews anymore apart from the occasional book parties that we all enjoy (We love a good read along or buddy read)
At this time, Night Worms will use the blog platform as a space for cover reveals, author guest posts, and our own curated content written by Ashley or Sadie. We are not open to general review requests and we don't accept free/gifted review copies. If we want to read/review for our blog, we will buy ourselves a copy. If you have a NEW horror fiction book that you are trying to promote (find reviewers for) please email and we will add your book to our evergreen post:
It must have an Instagram post so we can embed it. Thank you for reading this update.
Horror is our happy place
Sadie & Ashley