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Book Review: THE SCIENCE OF STEPHEN KING by Donnie Goodman

THE SCIENCE OF STEPHEN KING by Meg Hafdahl & Kelly Florence

THE SCIENCE OF STEPHEN KING: Review by The Horror Hypothesis 

After checking out the other "Science of..." offerings by Hafdahl and Florence, I was extremely excited to get to their take on Stephen King novels and this book did not disappoint. This is a fantastic bedside reader and companion piece for any constant reader.

THE SCIENCE OF STEPHEN KING takes a chronological dive into the scientific basis for various King novels. Each chapter tackles a separate novel - the chapter on IT, for example, delves into the history of Clowns and attempts to contextualize why humans are scared of them. It is filled with well researched, interesting  insights from the authors. Another cool feature is that the book features many interviews with experts in various fields. The book would make for a fantastic podcast, something I hope the authors take into consideration. I love reading non-fiction based around fiction - it is so cool to explore these crossroads, and Hafdahl and Florence have something great going with this series. I really look forward to more. 

Bring on THE SCIENCE OF... honestly anything in the horror genre - I'll consume them all.

5 Stars. 

The Horror Hypothesis - Night Worms Bio Donnie Hypothesis is an avid reader, writer, and collector of horror fiction.  He runs the Bookstagram page, “The Horror Hypothesis,” which advocates for the Horror literature genre as a whole.  He currently lives in Central Virginia where he spends most of his free time reading, making music, playing video games, and watching movies.  

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