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Book Review: CRITERIUM by Tyler Jones



CRITERIUM by Tyler Jones


A family is struggling to cope with the death of a father who lost a seemingly unbeatable battle with addiction. Unsure how to deal with the looming grief that ensues, a young man turns to drugs in the hope he can numb the pain that afflicts his life. After hitting rock bottom, the young man stumbles upon a bicycle with the ability to change his life forever. Now, he needs to survive a ride down the road of dispair and escape the darkness that consumes him and his family. 
This is an incredible story. I am reeling from a whirl wind of emotions after reading CRITERIUM by Tyler Jones. This novella takes reader's on a journey that is familiar to so many people. Grief and addiction is something that has a way of wriggling into everyone's life in one way or another. What I am trying to say is that I think reader's will find the content relatable and like me, people will quickly form a bond with the story and its protagonist. I found this to be a very compelling read and was truly unputdownable.
CRITERIUM is a gut wrenching emotional rollercoaster into the real-life horrors of addiction and sorrow. Tyler Jones knows how to hit you where it'll hurt. I highly recommend this story to reader's of the supernatural horror genre that are looking for a story that will leave you numb and breathless. Keep on the lookout for this author because I anticipate he will quickly become a fan favorite within the #HorrorCommunity. 
CRITERIUM by Tyler Jones

My name is Andrew 'The Book Dad' and I am a reviewer of horror fiction. It is my intent to support those in the #HorrorCommunity any way I can while on my literary journey to reading all things terrifying and suspenseful!




CRITERIUM by Tyler Jones is a heart wrenching story about a father who gave his life to addiction and a son who followed in his footsteps.

Addiction horror has a special place in my heart for two reasons: one, the stories always seem to suck me in and two, addiction runs deep in my family. Oddly enough, the horror aspect makes a difficult story easier to digest, and even though there might be a supernatural or unconventional element to it, the emotions feel incredibly real.

Zach Ayers is the son of an addict, overwhelmed with grief over his father’s death. Zach wants it all to stop, to stop the excruciating pain of grief, sadness, and resign himself to the inevitable life of drugs. Zach is a character that truly comes to life and will forever be seared into my mind.

Jones managed to write one of my favorite books of the year and I don’t say that lightly. His prose is flawless, the ambiance is stunning, and the story has a beautiful darkness. Although, technically a novella, it consumed me in a big way. It will eat you up and spit you out. Seriously, I cannot stop thinking about this book.

CRITERIUM is intelligent, haunting, and emotional with a compelling plot that combines the hell of addiction with horror seamlessly. I couldn’t put it down if I wanted.

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