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Casting Call: The Institute, by The Horror Hypothesis

Casting Call: The Institute, by The Horror Hypothesis

In “Casting Call”, I play the role of a casting agent for hypothetical adaptations of Horror novels.
With the recent debut of HBO’s awesome new mini-series, THE OUTSIDER, I figured I would
start by trying my hand at casting a potential adaptation of King’s most recent novel, THE INSTITUTE. If you haven’t read the novel yet but want to get a quick background on the story, you can check out the side-by-side review of this novel that I did with Sadie right here.
So, here’s how I would cast this:

Note: Every single character isn’t featured in this article. I attempted...

Earworm. A focus on music from Night Worms.

Kallie and Tav created "Earworm"--a playlist of songs to fit the Night Worms monthly theme. This playlist, of course, is inspired by the February 2020 package:

Horror Addiction: Addiction Horror

Women in Horror Month Books You Could Find in a Pinch!

Women in Horror Month Books You Could Find in a Pinch!

Here's the challenge:

I arrived at my vacation destination and I realized that I forgot to pack books. One of my favorite vacation activities is reading by the pool! I'm also on a tight budget because this hotel was a little on the expensive side. What to do?

Hit up the local Goodwill Retail Store! (Any thrift store will do but Goodwill stores have sizable book sections) The most important part of this challenge is that it's February, Women in Horror Month so I also want to read in unity with the Horror Community. Let's see what I found...

Friday Feels- January 31st, 2020

Friday Feels- January 31st, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! I want to talk a little about e-readers. Do you use them? Do you hate them? I like using my kindle because I can adjust the font size. I have to wear reading glasses when I read, but I hate wearing reading glasses, so adjusting the font size is massively helpful. I recently read Camp Slaughter by Sergio Gomez on my kindle and y’all need to get hip to this book if you haven’t already....

Night Worms Book Party: SKINWRAPPER by Stephen Kozeniewski

Night Worms Book Party: SKINWRAPPER by Stephen Kozeniewski

Night Worms know how to party. This month we partied by reading SKINWRPPER by Stephen Kozeniewski. After quite a few of these book parties, I thought I knew how each person was going to react to this novella. I am always surprised by everyone’s differing and unique reviews. Here are some of the photos that showed up on social media as well as some blurbs from those reviews:

(Be on the lookout for more book parties. Grady Hendrix, Laurel Hightower and more!)

This novella is...