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Friday Feels- June 28th, 2019

Friday Feels- June 28th, 2019

Happy Friday everyone!
This week I wanted to focus on Kealan Patrick Burke! He often takes everyday normal occurrences and gives them terrifying consequences. Want to be scared to buy something at a flea market? Burke is your guy. Want to be absolutely terrified of going to your office party? BURKE. Want to be kind to a kid you see in a store? Burke is going to make you think twice.

Pick up one of his...

Musings on Grady by Audra Figgins

Musings on Grady by Audra Figgins

Step in through the door, a little bell tinkles above you, dust swirls visibly through the thin shafts of light that peek through old windows. Books frame the walls on floor-to-ceiling shelves, pile up in haphazard stacks and cover every available surface. There’s a faint hint of vanilla in the air and it’s quiet—the only sound the smooth flick of someone turning a page in the next aisle or the muted, reverent whispering that’s required around stacks of books.


You’re in a bookstore, that most magical...

Marcy's Review- The Rust Maidens by Gwendolyn Kiste

Marcy's Review- The Rust Maidens by Gwendolyn Kiste

"I'll race you to the sun."


Have you ever just identified with a book so deeply that you just can’t stop thinking about it day in and day out? Well, this is the case with The Rust Maidens.  Here I am seven months later and this book is still ripping my heart out.  


So you might be wondering "Marcy, how can you identify with a book that turns girls into broken glass and metal?" Of course, I myself am not turning into a Rust Maiden but the feel and atmosphere of this book have crept...

A Side by Side Review- An Army of Skin by Morgan K Tanner

A Side by Side Review- An Army of Skin by Morgan K Tanner

Editor's Note: I'm really excited about this Side by Side Review and we hope to do more of them. This book seemed like it was going to be a little too much for my sensibilities but the author was so professional in his review request that I wanted to be able to get his book reviewed somehow. I knew that Donnie and Alex would be down for this and I was curious to see how their experiences would line up. Their reviews follow.


Alex's Review:

"I wiped the corpse's sticky blood...

Keely's Review- Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias

Keely's Review- Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias

I’m going to be completely honest with you guys here, Coyote Songs by Gabino Iglesias has produced the most challenging review I have written to date. What I felt while reading this novel was so overwhelming at times, that I found myself completely forgetting that I was trying to write about a novel, a piece of fiction, instead of the world we currently live in. I kept getting lost in tangents of thought that stemmed from ideas in the book and snow-balled into much larger issues.

Now, don’t...