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Friday Feels-Friday the 13th, September 2019

Friday Feels-Friday the 13th, September 2019

Happy Friday the 13th Night Worms! Since today is Friday the 13th AND a full  moon, I have put together a list of 5 slasher (a la Friday the 13th) or spooky (a la the full moon) books I’ve read this year that would be great to read today! I know that I’m a superstitious gal, so I plan on hunkering down and reading today to avoid any weird or bad things that may happen. So, if you plan on being like me today, check out the list for some fun reads!

1. Video...

Exclusive Cover Reveal: THE PALE WHITE by Chad Lutzke

Exclusive Cover Reveal: THE PALE WHITE by Chad Lutzke

The Pale White by Chad Lutzke is available for preorder this weekend with a release date of 9/27/19! If you missed our interview with Chad where he talks about this book and more, read that here.

Marcy's Review of KILL RIVER by Cameron Roubique

Marcy's Review of KILL RIVER by Cameron Roubique

Hi, my name is Marcela and one of my absolute favorite things in the world, besides dogs, are water parks.  They encompass everything I love: fun, water, and food!  So needless to say that when I saw a horror novel, better yet a slasher horror novel, that took place in a water park I was SOLD! I mean really, is there anything better?!  But, before we get into the nitty-gritty of the book, let me also express my love for 80’s/90’s slasher horror. In equal parts movie and book format they each hold a special place in...

John's Review of VIDEO NIGHT by Adam Cesare

Video Night is a book that I’ve seen often on social media lately. Between photos of it at Scares That Care and fellow NightWorms talking about it, I did some further investigation. No sooner than I read the back cover description “John Hughes meets John Carpenter”, did I immediately purchase this book. I wasn’t disappointed.


Video Night is the story of high school best friends Billy and Tom. Despite being polar opposites, they’ve maintained a close friendship, one that is likely to end at the end of senior year. The boys come up with the idea...

Zakk's Review of THE FEARING: BOOK 2: WATER & WIND by John F. D. Taff

Zakk's Review of THE FEARING: BOOK 2: WATER & WIND by John F. D. Taff

Zakk muses on fear, and The Fearing: Book 2 - Water and Wind

What do you fear? Yeah, you. The kind soul reading this rambling piece right now. What keeps you up at night, stops you in your tracks, or simply makes your breath hitch?

I myself, am afraid of heights, always have been. That one is fairly common. I worry that I’ll never break this mental wall that has been keeping me from solid and timely book reviews, this one is maybe a little more nuanced. I am also super sketchy on...