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The Making of Gabriel Davenport by Beverley Lee: 5 Year Anniversary


To Enter:

PRIZE - one signed paperback copy of Gabriel (either this edition or the original cover which isn't available to buy anymore) I will ship internationally.

TO ENTER - follow Beverley Lee on Instagram: @theconstantvoice

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It has been 5 years since the debut release of The Making of Gabriel Davenport by Beverley Lee. I reviewed it in March of 2016 and here's what I had to say. Please note: Beverley was one of my very first friends on #bookstagram which is why I call her "Bev" in the review. 


"I can't believe this is a debut novel! Beverley Lee writes like she has done so her whole life. I was immediately drawn in by Bev's expert, detailed narrative. The thing that blew me away was how Bev could transition that narrative into different characters-everyone from a nursing, first time mother, to a 30ish year old priest, to a teenaged boy to ancient evils-everyone had a unique voice and I knew exactly who was speaking by the inner mind chat and dialogue.
Other, less experienced authors try to do that and fail miserably. This was a true success. I also liked how Bev kept the chapters short. This story required a quick pace and it unraveled at the perfect speed-too quickly and the reader could be left confused or with a lot of unanswered questions-too slow and the reader would lose the urgency. Lee found the sweet spot, moving the story along just right.
But enough technical accolades- this story is fantastic! The mood is dark and brooding, the evil scary and threatening, the characters are real with real motivations and a sincerity that makes you care very much about what happens to them. The ending---WHOA! Let's just hope there is a sequel on the way and FAST! This is my new favorite thriller/horror. I loved it (as you can tell)"






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1 comment

  • Thank you both so much! xx

    • Beverley Lee