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News — Zakk Maddness

Zakk's Rainy Day Recommendations

Zakk's Rainy Day Recommendations

Zakk’s Recommendations For a Rainy Day


 While you can’t judge a book by its cover you can totally define (go ahead, judge) a reader by their Top “X” lists, whatever “X” may be. Top 10, seasonal or situational, best-of or best-ever. No matter the subtitle these lists form a profile of you, the constant reader. What does your “X” list say about you? If you met your maker today How will your reading list define you?

     Me? Well, I guess I’m about as...

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren


    “Crawford Manor.

    It had stood for centuries, a brooding sentinel overlooking the North Sea, long enough for old mysteries to settle and gnarled roots to creep insidiously into the earth. Within the dank walls of Crawford Manor, secrets were given time to breathe.

    To atrophy.”


    It’s always a pretty rad moment in a reader’s life when a new-to-you author and/ or book strikes a chord and resonates in ye olde brainpan. Something that gets you excited to spread the word or...