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News — #WiHM

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers

How dumb old-timey doctors made females do nothing all day because they made books instead of babies.

For me to tell you what a struggle it was for early female writers, especially female horror writers, I have to give you a very brief overview of what hysteria was. Hysteria was the first mental disorder attributed to women. It was a catch-all-dumpster-fire of a diagnosis for women who didn’t behave like men thought they should. Didn’t want to have sex? HYSTERIA. You wanted to have “too much sex?” HYSTERIA. Didn’t obey your husband’s every command? HYSTERIA. Sometimes...

Friday Feels- February 21, 2020

Friday Feels- February 21, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! We made it through another week. This week felt like a month for me and I kept wishing I could just cast a spell and get to the weekend already. Sadly, I’m no witch but I do like reading witchy tales. HEX LIFE is the perfect book to scratch your witch itch and check off another book from you Women in Horror Month book list. There are stories from some AMAZING authors in here and they do not disappoint. And just look at that cover,...

The Importance of Female Protagonists by Sadie Hartmann

The Importance of Female Protagonists by Sadie Hartmann

I was a skinny, gawky young girl. I would eventually stop growing at six feet tall but all through middle school and high school, my body was stretching; especially my legs and my feet. 7th and 8th grade P. E. was torture. We had to dress down in the girl's locker room in front of one another. I didn't feel like other girls. They were way shorter than me and already filling out their bras. Sometimes I would stuff my gym clothes into my regular clothes and act like I was just using the toilet but I was really changing...

My Top Ten Most Anticipated Female-Written Horror Novels | Kallie Weisgarber

My Top Ten Most Anticipated Female-Written Horror Novels | Kallie Weisgarber

My Top Ten Most Anticipated Female-Written Horror Novels 
Kallie Weisgarber

February is Women in Horror Month and I am celebrating by reading works from lots of female authors. I think that all readers should be making a conscious effort to read female authors in February and every other month. The fact is that horror is largely a male-driven industry. Go to any major book store’s horror section (if they have one) and count how many female authors you see on the shelves. I’ve done the legwork and I can...

Women in Horror Month Books You Could Find in a Pinch!

Women in Horror Month Books You Could Find in a Pinch!

Here's the challenge:

I arrived at my vacation destination and I realized that I forgot to pack books. One of my favorite vacation activities is reading by the pool! I'm also on a tight budget because this hotel was a little on the expensive side. What to do?

Hit up the local Goodwill Retail Store! (Any thrift store will do but Goodwill stores have sizable book sections) The most important part of this challenge is that it's February, Women in Horror Month so I also want to read in unity with the Horror Community. Let's see what I found...