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News — Side By Side

Side by Side Review from Kallie & Matt of UNDER THE BLADE by Matt Serafini

Side by Side Review from Kallie & Matt of UNDER THE BLADE by Matt Serafini

Kallie's Review:

It has been 25 years since Cyrus Hoyt claimed the lives of all of Melanie Hoyt’s friends at Camp Forest Grove. It has been 25 years since she claimed the final girl title and supposedly claimed Cyrus Hoyt’s life. When a friend suggests that she head back to that camp to write a book about her experiences, she puts on a brave face and does just that. Melanie returns to the small town to uncover the mystery of Cyrus Hoyt. But how much will the...

Andrew & John's Side by Side Review of THE INSTITUTE by Stephen King

Andrew & John's Side by Side Review of THE INSTITUTE by Stephen King

John's Review:

Constant Readers, it’s here. That joyous time twice a year when we are taken into a world crafted by a master storyteller. A man who in recent times has elevated his craft to a point where most of his novels have transcended beyond a genre, and have become living, breathing worlds that feel fleshed out and lived-in. The Institute, by Stephen King, is another such world. One in which had its ups and downs, but by the end takes you on a whirlwind of adventure and emotion.



Keely and John's Side by Side Review of Primal Terra by Tim Meyers

Keely and John's Side by Side Review of Primal Terra by Tim Meyers

John's Review:

Fans of Dino horror rejoice, Tim Meyer’s short novel, Primal Terra, is here and it just may have the bite you’re looking for.


The book hits the ground running. A police chase gone wrong leads Carla Scarletta to a portal that seems to lead millions of years into the past. All isn’t as it seems with the setting though. I won’t dig too far into, I’ll let you read that yourself. Primal Terra actually reads like a genre blend of Action-horror and sci-fi. For the most part, this blend works...

A Side By Side Review of ONE BY ONE by D. W. Gillespie

A Side By Side Review of ONE BY ONE by D. W. Gillespie

John's Review:

D.W. Gillespie has surprised the hell out of me with his latest novel, One by One. It’s a wonderfully written horror that takes a simple idea and manages to make it both terrifying and surprising.

The story starts out simple enough. Down on their luck, the Easton family sells their home in order to begin again in a fixer-upper against the wishes of essentially everyone BUT dad. They move in, and despite dad’s best efforts, the house just feels off to everyone else. Even our protagonist, 10 year old Alice, who’s...