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News — September 2020

How COVID-19 Reignited my Love of Comics, a Guest Post by Pete Mesling

How COVID-19 Reignited my Love of Comics, a Guest Post by Pete Mesling

Hey friends, Zakk here, good morning (afternoon, evening) to you. I hope this day sees you well. In this day and age of near constant chaos and anxiety, we as humans must find a glimmer of happiness to grasp, put in our breast pocket, close to our heart. To help ward against the evil eye of 2020. It will be the only way not to be consumed by life, which happens to be extra ravenous right now. Please allow me to share this with you, one of our own in the horror community...

Benefits of Reading Horror by Richelle @n0vel.id3a

Benefits of Reading Horror by Richelle @n0vel.id3a

Benefits of Reading Horror

We always hear about the benefits of reading. Reading helps to decrease anxiety, depression, improve vocabulary and prevent cognitive decline (i.e. Alzheimer’s). These are the benefits we’ve heard all our lives. Most people read books for these reasons alone but what makes horror so special or unique. What are the benefits we can gain from reading horror? I found an article that promotes teachers to include horror in their curriculums (Teaching Horror Literature in a Multicultural Classroom). If someone has written...

Author Guest Post: Ronald Malfi

Author Guest Post: Ronald Malfi

“An Apology (of Sorts) from the Doldrums”

A dispatch from the apocalypse from Ronald Malfi 

Ah, good children: We are here, together, in the thick of it, staring at our quaking palms, sweating, casting sideways glances at a darkening sky, suddenly distrustful of the crude proximity of our fellow humans. Are we all going to die? Yes; eventually. Soon? Some of us, yes. You or me in particular? Hell, anything’s possible. But maybe not likely.

This, friends, is a dispatch from a universal Ground Zero, an S.O.S. flare-gun burst charging through...

Friday Feels- September 11th, 2020

Friday Feels- September 11th, 2020

Happy Friday Night Worms! Today I wanted to shout out something near to my heart: GROSS SEA CREATURES.
I have some kind of weird love for those terrifying deep sea animals that look like actual monsters. I’m talking about things like the angler fish, the giant isopod, the viperfish, the goblin shark, the frilled shark, the sea spider, the gulper eel, or the monkfish. If creepy animals that look like actual nightmares scare you, I do not recommend googling those. So with that, I love reading horror centered around the...

Side By Side Book Review: RECALL NIGHT by Alan Baxter

Side By Side Book Review: RECALL NIGHT by Alan Baxter

RECALL NIGHT by Alan Baxter
Publisher: Grey Matter Press
𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 follows Eli Carver. Eli is hiding in Canada following the events of 𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭. When he returns to the States, he meets Bridget, a mysterious woman, on the subway that gets him deep with another mobster. ⁣Bridget owes a mob boss named Paul Lombardi 40K and she hires Eli to be her bodyguard during the...