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News — reviews

Chandra's Review of CHURCH by Renee Miller

Chandra's Review of CHURCH by Renee Miller

I'm not a particularly religious or spiritual person myself.  However, I do find myself morbidly fascinated with religious cult mentality.  The realness that is portrayed in digging into the deep insecurities of a person to get to their baser need of feeling accepted while taking advantage of their bank account, soul and all-around humanity is degrading at best and torturous all around.  Think of at least these eleven (ELEVEN!) religious cults that are known and assumed to be *dangerous for humanity*: Scientology, KKK (yes, a cult of Christianity of all things), Children of God, Raelism, Bavarian Illuminati,...

Donnie's Review of, THE ISAIAH COLERIDGE SERIES by Laird Barron

Donnie's Review of, THE ISAIAH COLERIDGE SERIES by Laird Barron


The Isaiah Coleridge Series REVIEW, by The Horror Hypothesis

”I was Oppenheimer’s dread in microcosm, a miniature atom bomb. A destroyer of small things. Not worlds, nothing so grand, but individual bodies, individual lives. In little more than a week I’d crossed purposes with mercenaries, gangsters, white supremacists, hillbilly moonshiners, gangbangers, and Feds. Blood had spilled. As ever, blood was the currency of my existence. Blood was the standard” -Laird Barron


Do you want to know how long it took for me...

Kallie's Review of PROVIDENCE by Caroline Kepnes

Kallie's Review of PROVIDENCE by Caroline Kepnes

Jon and Chloe are best friends. They have a favorite food together. They have a secret place together. They have secret feelings for each other. Before Jon can confess his feelings to Chloe, he is kidnapped by his super crazy substitute. The substitute has a weird thing for H.P. Lovecraft, plants, and "saving humanity." 

As Chloe mourns the loss of Jon and what could have been, we see her grow up. We watch her become the cool artist girl. She ends up in a relationship with the douche...

Keely's Review of MY HUNGRY FRIEND by Daniel Barnett

Keely's Review of MY HUNGRY FRIEND by Daniel Barnett

Have you ever had one of those days when you swear that one more uninvited human interaction may make you unravel? Where you know that the employee selling miniature drones at the shopping mall is just doing their job but, if that drone is still following you 10 feet from now, you may just snatch it out of the air and shove it down their throat?

Mike Roberts is having one of those days. 

The streets of Boston are filled with homeless people asking for your spare change. Eventually, these faces...

August 2019 Horror Releases

August 2019 Horror Releases

Just speaking from almost 4 years of experience on #bookstagram (dedicated bookish accounts and posts on the social app, Instagram) readers are starting to collect books for their Fall/Winter TBR. This is often the season where people dabble in the horror genre so I'm going to start rounding up each month's horror releases in an attempt to help people make some good, horror choices. 

First up are two of my recommendations:

THE FEARING- John F. D. Taff

Book One: Fire & Rain is already out and you can read that now! Buy it! 

Book Two: Water & Wind is ready for...