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News — horror fiction

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren

Zakk's review- Night Shoot by David Sodergren


    “Crawford Manor.

    It had stood for centuries, a brooding sentinel overlooking the North Sea, long enough for old mysteries to settle and gnarled roots to creep insidiously into the earth. Within the dank walls of Crawford Manor, secrets were given time to breathe.

    To atrophy.”


    It’s always a pretty rad moment in a reader’s life when a new-to-you author and/ or book strikes a chord and resonates in ye olde brainpan. Something that gets you excited to spread the word or...

Keely's Review- Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt

Keely's Review- Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt

I have been a fan of literature that challenges me from a young age. It was sometime during my sophomore year in high school that I decided to dip my toes in the obscure waters of philosophy and social sciences. I convinced myself that it was fun and made me look far more evolved than my fellow student body to be reading Nietzsche and Machiavelli rather than actually enjoying some Harry Potter. It wasn’t until my Humanities instructor pulled me aside and attempted to strike up a conversation about an annotated passage from...

Birthday Thoughts

Birthday Thoughts

Birthday Thoughts

May 29, 2019

Thoughts on my first childhood horror (suggestion from author Alan Baxter)

One Halloween, my dad took me and my sisters out trick-or-treating around town. There was one house that always decorated for Halloween and they went all out. My sisters were too scared to go up the small walkway to the porch. We all stood at the entrance and really scoped the place out to see if the candy would be worth the trouble of being scared.

The walkway was surrounded by a makeshift...

2019 Summer Horror Reading Recs

2019 Summer Horror Reading Recs

2019 Summer Horror Reading Recs

By Ashley S.

You know what I love most about summer? EVERYTHING. I'm just a summer lovin type of gal. But to be a tad more specific, I love reading books that match the season. How else can you get the full experience? If the book describes sweltering conditions, I feel it's only fair that I too am experiencing sweltering conditions!

I've compiled a list of ten books that I think will frighten up your summer. I know, I know, I didn't include...