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News — horror books

Summer Horror Luvin'

Summer Horror Luvin'

Ashley & Sadie here with some great recommendations for your Summer vacation and some books to look forward to! 


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Ultimate List: Coming-of-Age Horror & Horror Adjacent Books

Ultimate List: Coming-of-Age Horror & Horror Adjacent Books

Browsing the #HorrorFiction Tag on Instagram

Browsing the #HorrorFiction Tag on Instagram

If you're on Instagram and you want to find Horror books, don't use the tag #Horror. That tag is primarily movies and it has been flagged by Instagram because people use it for spam & porn. #HorrorFiction is more specific and this morning, I checked it out to see if there was anything interesting going on and of course, there was! #Bookstagram Horror Hounds are so creative and I wrote down several book recommendations.


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Janelle's Horror Book of the Week-March 29th, 2021

Janelle's Horror Book of the Week-March 29th, 2021




Happy Monday horror friends! I’ve been in a Clive Barker mood, so I picked up an old favorite: Books of Blood, Vol 1-3. Then I thought, maybe I should compare the novella The Midnight Meat Train to the movie. I cannot believe I had no idea it even existed until a couple of months ago. It stars Bradley Cooper for Pete’s sake. Clive Barker is a prolific writer, especially in the horror and fantasy genres. My first introduction...

The Horror Horoscope by Matt & Richelle

The Horror Horoscope by Matt & Richelle

Do you have trouble figuring out what to read next? Is your to be read pile overwhelming you? We have the answer for you. Look to the stars and let them decide. Richelle and I sat down over a google doc and pored over horoscopes and star charts to determine 12 recommendations based on your own personal horoscope. Not really, we didn’t take it that seriously and you shouldn’t either. If you don’t like the book we recommended for your sign, there are 11 other books we recommend for you to...