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Celebrate Horror 2020 with Mother Horror

Celebrate Horror 2020 with Mother Horror

So this promotional event is the biggest thing I've ever attempted to do in terms of scale. It's pretty ambitious. My birthday is this month on the 29th. Promoting horror fiction is one of my favorite things to do so I was trying to think of a way I could have a virtual birthday party and have a fun birthday weekend in quarantine, doing what I love to do. I considered a live event but to be honest, I'm not super organized enough to pull something like that off with a schedule and working around time zones and all the technical stuff. I watched Kelli Owen take on CoronaCon a few weeks ago and I saw all the planning and organizing that went into that, so a live event was off the table pretty early on.

I decided on pre-recorded author readings. The authors I've reached out to will record a reading from my favorite stories, novels, and novellas this year (so far) and then send me their videos. I have uploaded them to the Night Worms YouTube channel and scheduled them to drop on the 29th (7 AM PST to be exact)
The weekend of my birthday, May 29th-31st I will be promoting these videos, talking about the books being read, and hoping others will enjoy watching the readings and ultimately BUYING BOOKS. I'm really excited about it.

This pandemic has drastically impacted the traditional ways authors and publishers can promote their books. Book tours have been canceled. Speaking engagements. Book signings. People can't go to a book store and see new book displays. So we have to think outside the norm and invent new ways to utilize social media. I saw some readings over the last few months on various different platforms and had so much fun watching and listening to authors read their own stories. It's very entertaining and interactive--I've wanted to buy every book I've seen authors read! 

If Celebrate Horror 2020 is a success, Ashley and I will keep using the Night Worms YouTube channel for author readings, interviews, etc.

We will continue the "Celebrate Horror" event annually. Here's the graphic for the event and the line-up of authors who have agreed to submit videos: 

We hope that lovers of horror fiction will watch the videos and help promote them by commenting, sharing, retweeting, and BUYING BOOKS! So save up a book budget for this event! Spread the word... #PromoteHorror 

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  • I think this is SUCH an incredible idea! I can’t wait to see the videos. ♥ Happy early birthday!

    • Destiny @ Howling Libraries
  • Happy Birthday!! Good luck with all this.

    • Monet Desrosiers