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News — nightworms

Author Guest Post: Catching Up with Jonathan Janz

Author Guest Post: Catching Up with Jonathan Janz

Hello! A big thank you to Sadie for allowing me to invade your lives for a couple minutes. If you’re into my writing, or if you’ve never heard of me but are hankering to try something new, you might like to hear what I’ve got coming out and what I’ve been working on. 

I think just about every horror author takes a turn at destroying the world, which is what I do in my upcoming novel THE RAVEN (September 8th from Flame Tree Press). In that tale, a group...

13 Horror Graphic Novels to Keep You Up At Night by Ben

13 Horror Graphic Novels to Keep You Up At Night by Ben

13 Horror Graphic Novels to Keep You Up At Night

Graphic novels are basically long-form comics, in that they use panels of art to tell a story. Typically, graphic novels tell a complete narrative arc in one book, whereas comics give you excerpts of a bigger story. As a lover of art and literary forms, to say I’m a fan of graphic novels is quite an understatement. I devour them. I inhale them. I [insert another word for consume] them. To put it plainly, I absolutely love them! 

Just like with my novel preferences I’ll take...

Pandemic Book Mania by Janelle

Pandemic Book Mania by Janelle

Pandemic Book Mania 


There are some readers that like to read happy, fluffy books to escape whatever horror is going on in the world. And then there are readers like me, who like to immerse themselves into books that are even more horrific than the world around them. Here are some recommendations for that type of reader. 



THE STAND by Stephen King - What happens when a weapon of biological warfare leaks out of a testing facility and kills 99% of the population? Well, you’ll have to read this...

Night Worms 2020 Mid-Year Round-Up

Night Worms 2020 Mid-Year Round-Up

Night Worms 2020 mid-year round-up

2020 has been a dumpster fire for the world. I asked the Night Worms review team to tell me their one favorite book that they have read so far in 2020. The only requirements I gave that they read it this year and that it was currently available. I apologize in advance to your bank balance.

Blacktop Wasteland - S.A. Cosby 

Goodreads   Bookshop 

Dead Girl Blues - David Sodergren 


Ben Long Interviews Patrick Delaney for Night Worms

Ben Long Interviews Patrick Delaney for Night Worms

NIGHT WORMS: I'm here with author Patrick Delaney. Patrick, thank you so much for joining me today!

PATRICK DELANEY: Thank you for having me, I'm thrilled to be here!

NW: So, for anyone who might be coming across your work for the first time, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

PD: I'd be happy to. I'm originally from LA County. I moved to Northern California when I turned 18 and I have 3 siblings. I've been writing short stories since I was in my early teens...