News — May 2020
NIGHTFALL by Daniel Barnett Releases Tomorrow! All 2020 Royalties Go to No Kid Hungry
Benefits of Listening to Music or White Noise While Reading- Alex Pearson
Have you ever thought about if listening to music or white noise while reading will enhance your own experience? Or do you see yourself as a purist and distance the two activities as far away as possible? I enjoy listening for many reasons, mostly because I can put on scary music and immerse myself deeper into the horrors on the pages in front of me! Hopefully, this little article will not be as polarizing as whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza (it does!) or whether a dog wears a pair...
Friday Feels- May 22nd, 2020
Happy Friday Night Worms! Let’s talk about haunted houses. I think it’s just that I miss Halloween, but I really have been wanting to read about some ghosties. There have been so many haunted house books, but KILL CREEK by Scott Thomas is a stand out for its fresh take on the matter. It’s suspenseful and fun and the characters are smart. It’s a story that is hard to forget (no really, I’m sitting here a year after I first read it and I feel like I just finished...
Pike for All: 10 Christopher Pike Books for Different Types of Horror Fans
Pike for All: 10 Christopher Pike Books for Different Types of Horror Fans by Cassie Daley @holo.reader
We’re going to start this off with a little trip down memory lane, since it’s Classic Horror Month for the Night Worms! Instead of sharing some of my more traditional classic favorites, we’re going to go back to what started it all for me in particular: my own ‘classics’, AKA the early 90s & discovering Christopher Pike.
Classic Horror Month: Kami Martin Interviews Will Errickson for Night Worms
Hi Will!
Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to spend a few minutes with me to discuss one of my favorite subjects, classic horror, with our Night Worms Friends!
WE: What’s up everybody! Thanks for the opportunity to talk more about paperback horror! I’ve been writing about vintage horror on my blog Too Much Horror Fiction for over 10 years. I hope I can direct you to some good reading material!
First things first let’s get...