News — Grady Hendrix
Night Worms Book Party: Our Reviews of HOWLS FROM HELL: A Horror Anthology
“An anthology for horror devotees by horror devotees, Howls From Hellfirst pays homage to horror's venerable tropes, then blows them away.” “Howls From Hell gifts us with sixteen imaginative nightmares from some of the freshest voices emerging in horror and dark fiction.
Book Review: NIGHTBLOOD by T. Chris Martindale
NIGHTBLOOD by T. Chris MartindaleNightblood: So Much More Than a Daymare
By Sean M. Sanford
I’ve pretty much always loved vampires. Ever since I was young enough to worry my parents about it. That’s why the core of my soul quakes with anticipation whenever I’m introduced to a sweet new vein of blood suckage. How about the story of Chris Stiles? A man who hunts devilish beings as per is dead brother’s...
Classic Horror Month: Kami Martin Interviews Will Errickson for Night Worms
Hi Will!
Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to spend a few minutes with me to discuss one of my favorite subjects, classic horror, with our Night Worms Friends!
WE: What’s up everybody! Thanks for the opportunity to talk more about paperback horror! I’ve been writing about vintage horror on my blog Too Much Horror Fiction for over 10 years. I hope I can direct you to some good reading material!
First things first let’s get...
Friday Feels- April 24th, 2020
Happy Friday Night Worms! If you get the package every month, then you have this book (with a signed bookplate omg) on your shelf right now. So why haven’t you read it yet? IT IS AMAZING. We teamed up with Quirk Books to get you this title and to bring you our #nightwormsbookparty for it! Quirk Books has been rad to work with and even worked with Sadie and Ashley (our lords and saviors) on a little virtual event with Grady Hendrix that is happening today! The event might be full,...
Filling the Soul Hole: Part 2 by Beth Griffith
Filling the Soul Hole
Part 2: Joy
In the last article I talked about how even the most seasoned horror aficionado can still experience empathy if they are connected with the right author. This article will seem even more grandiose because I am here to convince you it is still possible to feel joy. Oh hush, I hear your grumbling. Hear me out! We both have that empty little soul hole in our hearts. Sure it is gritty and partially mummified, but it is...