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Filling the Soul Hole: Part 2 by Beth Griffith

Filling the Soul Hole: Part 2 by Beth Griffith

Filling the Soul Hole

Part 2: Joy

In the last article I talked about how even the most seasoned horror aficionado can still experience empathy if they are connected with the right author. This article will seem even more grandiose because I am here to convince you it is still possible to feel joy. Oh hush, I hear your grumbling. Hear me out! We both have that empty little soul hole in our hearts. Sure it is gritty and partially mummified, but it is...

What Type of Reader are You? (Horror Edition)

What Type of Reader are You? (Horror Edition)

What Type of Reader are You? (Horror Edition)


In the Bookstagram and reading communities, like anywhere else, there are a variety of people trying to live their best lives while immersing themselves in the lives of the characters within the tomes they are perusing.  While there has been some sense of discord in how fast or "incorrectly" people read, we can all at least agree that everyone does it their own particular way.  Let's take a look at some different types of readers, shall we?

  • Watch out for Jigsaw, the intellectual reader that devours information from mainly...

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers by Kallie Weisgarber

Hysteria and Female Writers

How dumb old-timey doctors made females do nothing all day because they made books instead of babies.

For me to tell you what a struggle it was for early female writers, especially female horror writers, I have to give you a very brief overview of what hysteria was. Hysteria was the first mental disorder attributed to women. It was a catch-all-dumpster-fire of a diagnosis for women who didn’t behave like men thought they should. Didn’t want to have sex? HYSTERIA. You wanted to have “too much sex?” HYSTERIA. Didn’t obey your husband’s every command? HYSTERIA. Sometimes...

10 Tips for Starting a Vintage Horror Collection, By The Horror Hypothesis

10 Tips for Starting a Vintage Horror Collection, By The Horror Hypothesis

10 Tips for Starting a Vintage Horror Collection, By The Horror Hypothesis   

I’ll admit it, I have a problem.  

My name is Donnie and I am a vintage horror bibliomaniac.  

The outrageous covers, provocative titles, and wide range of cheesy, but often thought provoking stories.  A few years back I found myself drawn into this dark world. Quickly, I spiraled into making routine trips to bookstores all over the country just to satisfy my urge to find the next horribly awesome title for my...

Filling the Soul Hole Part 1: Sorrow by Beth Griffith

Filling the Soul Hole Part 1: Sorrow by Beth Griffith

Filling the Soul Hole

Part 1: Sorrow

As an avid reader of horror, you may worry that you have been desensitized towards certain deeply felt emotions. You’ve read it all. Guts festoon the trees of your dreamscapes. You’ve made a cozy nest for the hideous monsters lurking in your basement. Any small children that cross your path are likely demon-possessed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’ve seen it all. You worry that you have lost the ability to empathize. You have an empty spot in the center of your heart where your soul used to be. You...